D T L A  N I G H T  M A R K E T




B A L L E R I N A   B L A C K

Ballerina Black is the moniker for the music of Bobby Moynahan supported by co-founding bassist Esli Sugich, Scott Eton on keys & guitar and Romeo Mendoza on drums. With a sound described as a collage of Mope-Rock and Grave Wave, Moynahan maneuvers accessible melodies with 3 dimensional lyrics, tittering on eulogies. “Metaphors are the eloquent liquid the can fill, drown, or quench whatever cracks or pores the listener has without relegating them to something confining,.. be it joys or horrors,..”, explains Moynahan.

The first full length ‘Cattle Arithmetic’ was released in 2010. Soon after, the band opened up for the likes of Silversun Pickups and Interpol at LA Greek Theater. Ballerina Black embellished on their sound, marked with expansive synths and experimental guitar effects, releasing the first in a series of EPs in late 2012 under the division titled Injureless.

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